
Showing posts with the label Sexual abuse at work

Union of India Citation v Banani Chattopadhyay

Union of India Citation v Banani Chattopadhyay - (2022) 1 HCC (Cal) 351 Court – High Court of Calcutta. Facts of the Case – The petitioner, Banani Chattopadhyay, was a Deputy Manager at Hindustan Cables Ltd. (HCL). She opted for voluntary retirement on 31.01.2017 following a decision to close down the company. After retirement, she was engaged on a temporary basis as a consultant and later as an advisor. She was released from her temporary engagement on 30.04.2018. on 09.05.2018, she lodged a complaint of sexual harassment against Respondent 9 (allegedly the head of HCL), claiming the incidents began in the last quarter of 2016. An Internal Complaints Committee was constituted to investigate her complaint. The ICC submitted its report on 19.06.2018, concluding that the allegations were not proved. The petitioner filed a write petition challenging the ICC’s report and constitution. Legal Issues:- 1. Whether the Internal Complaints Committee had jurisdiction to inquire into the complain...

Right of complainant under POSH ACT 2013

The Protection of Women from Sexual Harassment (POSH) Act, 2013 , is designed to provide a comprehensive framework for addressing and preventing sexual harassment in the workplace. Under this Act, complainants (usually women who have experienced sexual harassment) are granted several rights to ensure their protection, well-being, and the fair resolution of their complaints. Here are the key rights of complainants under the POSH Act: Right to File a Complaint: Complainants have the fundamental right to file a complaint if they believe they have experienced sexual harassment in the workplace. They can do so regardless of their position or employment status in the organization. Right to Confidentiality: The identity of the complainant must be kept confidential throughout the inquiry process to protect their privacy and prevent victimization or retaliation. Right to Protection: Complainants have the right to protection from victimization or adverse actions as a result of filing a compla...

PoSH in Higher Education Institutions in India

Poshadvo On July 25, 2022, an Odisha college student accused the school's physics instructor of rape and sexual harassment. The accused lecturer, who was the institution's reader, had also held the role of NCC officer in the Naval wing. Despite the female student coming to the institute with a formal complaint, the school's internal committee did not discover any proof of the claims she claimed. The probe didn't start until the Higher Education Department became aware of the situation.  A Presidency University student from Kolkata filed a formal complaint with the internal committee of the university accusing Mahitosh Mandal, the former head of the department, of sexual harassment on July 17, 2022.  It is believed that the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013, is essential for protecting female employees from sexual harassment at the workplace. It is significant to highlight that educational institutions play a signi...

Sexual abuse at work

POSHADVO has been founded to help keep workplaces free of sexual abuse across all sectors in the country. Sexual abuse at work POSHADVO firmly believes, as an organization, that sexual harassment is a serious denial of the right to equality, dignity and respect.  Sexual abuse at work  is something that most people routinely witness, but many do not openly speak about. Typically, this is for fear of losing their job, facing society's scorn, being caught up in never-ending court action or for other unspecified reasons. Gender equality in all dimensions is a basic human right and the Constitution of India (“Constitution”) guarantees all its citizens equality of status and opportunity. Sexual harassment is considered as a violation of a woman’s fundamental right to equality, which right is guaranteed by Articles 14 and 15 of the Constitution. The Constitution also provides every citizen the ‘right to practice or carry out any occupation, trade or business, which includes the right...